Thursday, 25 November 2021

Kapa haka

Last week we had kapa haka.We performed in the school hall with cameras on all angles so they can see
how people was doing at the back.But if you dont know what kapa haka is then.I will tell you Kapa haka means traditional Māori dances performed by a group standing in rows.It's more of a religion because Maori used the Kapa Haka in war to scare their opponents.Well i think so and thats all i now about kapa haka. 

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Green Team at Ilminster

swish the bus door opend with kids going out in lines with boy girl boy girl we were visiting the green team in ilminster that is wene we went in side of a big hall.The play started of with two baby crayfish and nana cray was telling a story to the baby crayfish.
She seed that people was thoring litter around and it was getting in here home.after a while she told another story about here saveing the world by aliens wene the other baby crayfish went to sleep she sead the story to the other baby crayfish how she saved the word by alines.

onec upon a time ther were some kids that new nana cray and she told them not to liter but the didn't listen
and they literd then thats wen the aliens came to earth and they have seen rubish on the groundso they thout this cold be ther knew rubish dumpbut the kids seed no and nana cray came out to say pleas don't liter and they rhout that nana cray wasthe long lost qwienand they left to nana crays order.

Thursday, 11 November 2021

speech what ive done


To updete you on the speches i didn't get into the finils and ther was only one boy in room 1 & the rest of the people was girlz.But this is my spech that ive done.

In my opinion Fortnite is the ultimate game in the world.I believe this to be true for many reasons in which you will hear from me now.

BUilding is a valuable skill to have, but let's face it, - if I asked you to build something for me right now, I dread the thought of what you would create?

What I'm sayin is, Fortnite is a useful tool to learn how to make awesome things. Why did Shrek start playing Fortnite? Because he wanted to visit his Slurpy Swamp! All constructed within fornites creative mode, such as the swamp from shrek, star wars spaceship, even your dream house with inhouse entertainment studio, a wave pool, your own jetty and a private yacht.

MY second reason for fornite the best, is it offers many opportunities to be social, make new friends and hang out with your old ones.

Because it involves teamwork, it means you can play competitively, as in win a game and beat your friends! PLaying with teammates means you can also get revived or rebooted if you get eliminated. But I wouldn't know about this because I'm totally the best. Watch out 2019 fornite word champion Buga, because i’m 

coming for your title soon.  I feel that I am born to play Fortnite, unfortunately I'm forced to go to school. 

My last reason for why fortnight is such a great game is not only is it entertaining but it's quite a challenge! 

Each time you win, you get to ‘floss like a boss’ (floss for my audience)  But to get this win is not an easy task! you have to face 100 players or camp in a bush for the whole game. If you want to win, you have to be ready to work hard, show determination, resilience, positive attitude and maybe sacrifice a few extra hours of sleep.

IN conclusion, Fortnite is the greatest game in the entire world.For these reasons. Building is the main reason you can win.Because the building takes damage for you. 

Social time with your friends can be useful but to talk to them you need a mic.

 You can Challenge yourself to the world by entering cash prizes.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

High and low mobality word

A couple days ago we were in class leaning about High and low mobality words none of us new what it was trait away well some of us did but this is what i written.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Maths whizz new update

 Today Maths whizz had a new update and the only thing was a game so i looked at the game and thout it was a new feature to the game like some clothing or some kind of char thats in the jungil or a new planet for the space backround but no! it's a game and they tolk out packman to but the game was kind of fun.

I only played one game because i had some thing to write for my blog and i had to get my priorities done.The game had a spider that swinged to leaves and youed bounce of the spider weebs.That's the new game and the new update.

Monday, 27 September 2021

Mangaone art so far

So we had a mission to finish our Mangaone art we had a draft so we could see what colours we shoud use and what it will look like. When I finishd my draft i went on to my big pice i added some other details and my favourite one was the donkey who grew older and older but when he had his own grave he could not see the future in front of him he lived on a mounten and he stayed there his whole life and know one knows why.There was a house back in 1821 wene the moa around. But then the men hunted them to Extinction.
But one day they were hunting the last few moa and the have seen big claw mark. 
2020.For 200 years it upgraded into a farm instead of land. The end

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Cross Country

Cross Country

Today we had cross-country and we had to walk down to we're running. I Walkd with Harry and Hunter.We arrived across from the okitu store.We starting running after the year 6 Girlz the year 6 Boy's
Started to line up. We all ran off the starting line I ran as fast as I could. I was so tired on my second lap but in the end I came 7th place it was my first time geting 7th in cross country.

Friday, 20 August 2021

corys farm

 We arrived at Corys Farm it was my first time being ther and i not know where to go.So i followed my friends. Then we had to Cary 1 or more plants with us to were we were going to plant them.i grabbed one plant becuse the lady gave me one.Once Cory's dad finished, we walked through the deep mud to the wetlands, then we broke into two groups, group 1 and group 2. I was in group one and my group was putting sheep wool first while the other group was planting the trees with dirt and diging with a shuvol. So we hopped over the fence and started fertilising with sheepwool.

After a long time putting sheep wool around the plants.We moved over to planting.At first I didn't know how to plant but in time it became easy. First you make the dirt a bit soft by squeezing the pot  then you grab the base of the tree and pull it out.That i what an adult told to me but my my fingers are too tired so i did some shoveling and it was so much easier.But the only thing standing in my pasth was the grass.Was the grass in your way?

We went to the lambs after we finished planting then we spent a lot of time there and then we didn't have a lot of time downstream to the big trees and I was so tempted to go more deeper.when we got back to school I remembered that I was on for road patrol.

Friday, 6 August 2021

olypic booklet 2

 I had to draw a picture of my favourite kiwi athlete. I had to write down their date of birth, age, hometown, sport, first Olympics and achievements. I also had to do a biography (someone's life written by someone else). The person I chose to be my favourite, was Peter Snell, he won the eight-hundred and one thousand-five-hundred metre running races. He won three Olympic gold medals!. Next, we had to write a medal table and write down ten different countries. After that, there were even more questions that needed to be answered, so I started researching. Finally for the last one I did some drawing. I had to draw anime, manga, kawaii and k-pop. I started with k-pop, I just wrote BTS  k-pop and moved on to kawaii. I did a potato with a derpy face. We are going to be writing and researching in this Olympic booklet for one or two weeks. Overall, I'm enjoying studying the Olympics. Who knows, maybe someone will be researching me one day?

Friday, 30 July 2021


 On Monday MLH got olmpic booklets to fill out because in 2020 Tokyo olympic.The first page you had to design your own mascot along the pages.  My favourite thing was drawing because we got to draw anime and K-pop and other drawings my favourite thing to draw was goku.Then i did the Japanese culture.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Maths whizz new update yay!!!

THer was a new update in maths whizz and i was so excited to see what was in it. Ther were new outfits and new backronds for our houses.Wene i was tring to get my quick wite done i sore olly on maths whizz so thts wene i got on but befouri got on maths whizz i finshd my quck wite.ther was maths that was super hard.But i got 75% and 15 credits i was so happy that ther was a new update and i think every one likes it to.
I customise my own character to look like a robot and if you look at the image that wold be my character.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

My quck write

 So i have been working on my quickwrite for a pretty short time wall here it is.

This is my quickwrite

Monday, 17 May 2021

Quick write

This is my Quick write this weak.It is about 2 lists.1 about disne and 2 places to visit.

Friday, 7 May 2021

Wednesday we went to deliver some surveys to people in Douglas and Moana RD. The survey was asking people if the have ever seen little blue penguins. There were 3 groups Koka Ngaires, Koka Rozies and Steffans. Steffan's and Koka Rozie's groups went down Douglas and my group/Koka Ngaire's group went down Moana.
We started with two surveys, I did the first two houses. Then went to the back, since there were around 15 people in our group I had to wait until our group did a full circle and came back to me. I did another two, then we finshed and walked back to school.

The end.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

School is back 2021

we had a pretty normal day out first day of school it felt good to be a year 6.


A few days later we learnt about the school pepeha.We went to the hamanatua stream.that's the schools awa.

now there is a new walkway under the hamanatua stream.The new path will link the car park on the ocean side with the footpath on the other side of the highway.

Y6 Cooks cove walk

I new that cooks cove was long but i was pufing a lot and this is how it went.

last week the year 6,swalked up cooks cove the car trip was not long but it was very tourney.
it was so tiring wolking up so much stears after walking up so many stairs we started to walk up hills.we reach the beacon of light that's what the teacher's called it anyway. we startid to  follow yellow sticks
we walked up and down even around Hills.    

We had to walk near bushes that had load and load we had to walk near bushes that had load and load prob    We finally made it up to the Big Map wene we toke a photo.

We got on for the walk and we started to go into the jungle/pathway.we went downstairs and down pathways it felt like foreveruntil we reach the bridge until we reach the bridgewhen we cross the bridge we saw a mopok.

Then we walked through a field with toilet ner by

Y6 camp

 It was fun at the time but trust me it isn't you have to walk up amazing hills which are super big. You wold never  be naughty or you would have to  run up the pipeline.Trust me I had my experience.But luckily i didn't have to run up it. bnnnlink